Factorial Calculator

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 20:28:12 , Total Usage: 351

The factorial of a number is a fundamental concept in mathematics, particularly in the fields of combinatorics, algebra, and analysis. It's denoted as \( n! \) and is defined as the product of all positive integers from 1 to \( n \).

Calculation Formula

The factorial of a non-negative integer \( n \) is given by: \[ n! = n \times (n - 1) \times (n - 2) \times \cdots \times 2 \times 1 \]

For \( n = 0 \), by convention, \( 0! = 1 \).

Example Calculation

To calculate \( 5! \) (the factorial of 5): \[ 5! = 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 120 \]

Importance and Use Cases

  1. Combinatorics: Factorials are used in permutations and combinations to count the number of ways objects can be arranged or selected.
  2. Probability: In probability theory, factorials help determine the likelihood of various outcomes.
  3. Mathematical Series and Calculus: Factorials play a role in the expansion of functions and in solving certain types of equations.
  4. Computer Science: Factorials are used in algorithms and complexity calculations.


  1. What happens with negative numbers? The factorial is not defined for negative numbers.

  2. How does factorial relate to gamma function? The gamma function extends the concept of factorial to non-integer values, except negative integers.

  3. Are there any approximations for large factorials? Stirling's approximation can be used for large factorials, providing a simpler way to approximate their values.

  4. Can factorials be computed for non-integer values? Non-integer factorials are computed using the gamma function, not the standard factorial formula.

  5. Is there a limit to the size of a factorial? In practical computations, the size of a factorial is limited by the capacity of the computing device, as they grow very large, very quickly.

Factorials are a cornerstone in various branches of mathematics and have applications in many scientific fields, reflecting the fundamental nature of counting and arrangement in problem-solving.


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