Percent Error Calculator

Last Updated: 2024-05-19 21:09:36 , Total Usage: 386

Percent error is a useful tool in statistics and science for quantifying the accuracy of a measurement or an experiment. It compares an experimental value to a known or accepted value, providing a measure of how far off a measurement is in percentage terms.

Calculation Formula

The percent error is calculated using the formula: \[ \text{Percent Error} = \left| \frac{\text{Experimental Value} - \text{Accepted Value}}{\text{Accepted Value}} \right| \times 100\% \]

Example Calculation

Suppose in an experiment, the accepted value of a quantity is 50 units, and the experimental value obtained is 47 units. The percent error is calculated as: \[ \text{Percent Error} = \left| \frac{47 - 50}{50} \right| \times 100\% = \left| \frac{-3}{50} \right| \times 100\% = 6\% \]

Importance and Use Cases

  1. Science and Engineering: In experimental sciences, percent error is used to assess the precision and accuracy of measurements.
  2. Quality Control: In manufacturing, percent error can indicate the consistency and reliability of product measurements.
  3. Education: It's a fundamental concept taught in physics and chemistry labs to help students understand measurement accuracy.


  1. What does a high percent error indicate? A high percent error suggests a significant difference between the experimental and accepted values, indicating potential errors or inaccuracies in the experiment or measurement.

  2. Can percent error be negative? Percent error is usually expressed as an absolute value to indicate the size of the error regardless of direction (over or underestimation).

  3. How does percent error differ from standard error? Percent error measures the accuracy of a single measurement or experiment, while standard error relates to the accuracy of a mean value in statistics.

  4. Is a 0% percent error possible? While rare, a 0% percent error indicates perfect agreement between the experimental and accepted values.

  5. Does percent error apply to theoretical calculations? It's typically used in experimental contexts, but it can apply to theoretical predictions compared to known values.

Percent error is a critical tool in the quantification of accuracy and reliability in experimental sciences and various practical applications.


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